Council Chambers
4845 Casa Loma Avenue
Councilmembers Present:
  • Campbell, 
  • Huang, 
  • Lim, 
  • Singh, 
  • and Rodriguez 
Staff Present:
  • Brown, 
  • Christian, 
  • Farnsworth, 
  • Han, 
  • Kudron, 
  • Lai, 
  • Lixey, 
  • Litfin, 
  • Pulone, 
  • and Wigginton 

The City Council/Successor Agency to the Yorba Linda Redevelopment Agency convened at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at 4845 Casa Loma Avenue.


Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1) (1 Case)

Name of Case: Sophia Fitkowski vs. City of Yorba Linda
Case Number: CIV SB 232907, Superior Court, County of San Bernardino

Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1) (1 case)

Name of Case: Southern California Edison v. City of Yorba Linda
Case Number: 30-2024-01404534-CU-PO-WJC, Superior Court, County of Orange

The City Council convened into Closed Session at 5:31 p.m.

The City Council/Successor Agency to the Yorba Linda Redevelopment Agency, Yorba Linda Housing Authority and Yorba Linda Municipal Financing Authority reconvened at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at 4845 Casa Loma Avenue, Yorba Linda.

Councilwoman Tara Campbell

Deacon Nick Sherg, St. Martin De Porres Catholic Church 

City Attorney Todd Litfin said there was no reportable action, but stated that Closed Session Item C, regarding Southern California Edison (SCE) vs. City of Yorba Linda, has nothing to do with fires, but rather a tree that fell that SCE thought was City-owned. He said the City is being dismissed from the case.

Mayor Janice Lim invited the 2024 title holders for the Miss Placentia/Yorba Linda Scholarship program to the podium and recognized them for their hard work over the past year. She said Miss Yorba Linda, Paulina Dole, completed over 150 appearances and Miss Placentia, Madeline Smith, over 80 appearances. Council presented the young ladies with certificates and congratulated them for their exceptional work and also presented them with certificates from the offices of Congresswoman Young Kim, Senator Kelly Seyarto, Assemblyman Phillip Chen and Supervisor Don Wagner. Mayor Lim said Council also had certificates for Brenna Manzo, Miss Yorba Hills Teen, Julianne Rocke, Miss Placentia Teen and Kaylyn Mills, Miss Yorba Linda Teen who were not in attendance.

Next, Mayor Lim introduced the 2025 scholarship winners: Mary Kohaut - Miss Placentia 2025, Johnna Breault - Miss Yorba Linda 2025, Ireland Mercado - Miss Canyon Hills 2025, Noelani Pese - Miss Placentia’s Teen 2025 (who was not in attendance), Michaela Watson - Miss Yorba Linda’s Teen 2025, Elaine Kappattil - Miss Canyon Hills’ Teen 2025.

Next, Mayor Lim invited Brandon Kim, Drones4Kids, to the podium and said Brandon obtained his FAA Part 107 drone license in 2021 and formed the Drones4Kids club the following year at Tory High School in response to the lack of youth drone programs. It originally formed with four members, and became a 501c3 nonprofit in 2023 and now has over 30 members. Mayor Lim spoke of the club's accomplishments and presented the club with a certificate of recognition. They also received certificates from the offices of Senator Seyarto and Assemblyman Chen.

City Manager Mark Pulone introduced the City's new Administrative Secretary for the Public Works Department, Sara Garcia-Barrera. He said she will be providing clerical support and assist with various departmental needs. Sara brings valuable experience from her previous position in the Planning Department at the City of Loma Linda and said she enjoys spending quality time with her husband and five children, watching movies, camping and gardening.

Council welcomed Sara to the Yorba Linda team.

Trudi DesRoches, Yorba Linda Water District Director, provided an update on District construction projects and their impacts on traffic flow, including: the Timber Ridge Booster Pump, replacement of corroded waterlines in the Camino de Bryant area, specifically, Mount Hood Way and Mount Rainier Way. She said these areas are being replaced with new pipelines due to excessive breaks and said other areas are being upgraded to a larger waterline size for increased flow. 

Sam Carswell, resident, spoke about e-bike safety and the need for an ordinance in the community.

Pat Nelson, resident, spoke in response to the comments made by Ms. DesRoches and said she is pleased to know the Yorba Linda Water District is diligent about pumps and waterflow improvements to prepare for potential fires. She spoke about Item No. 8 on the Consent Calendar, and the historic nature of Main Street and questioned if the balcony will affect the historic nature of the area. 

Councilwoman Peggy Huang requested to pull Item Nos. 3 and 8 from the Consent Calendar.

  • Moved byCampbell
    Seconded bySingh

    It is recommended that the City Council approve the Consent Calendar with the exception of Item Nos. 3 and 8.

    AYES (5)Rodriguez, Campbell, Huang, Singh, and Lim
    CARRIED (5 to 0)
  • It is recommended that the City Council/Successor Agency to the Yorba Linda Redevelopment Agency waive reading in full of all ordinances and resolutions on the agenda and declare that said titles which appear on the public agenda shall be determined to have been read by title and further reading waived.

  • It is recommended that the City Council receive and file the accounts payable check register and wire transfer report dated February 18, 2025, in the amount of $816,904.21.

  • It is recommended that the City Council/Successor Agency to the Yorba Linda Redevelopment Agency approve the minutes of the January 4, 2025 City Council/Successor Agency to the Yorba Linda Redevelopment Agency joint meeting.

  • It is recommended that the City Council: 1.) Receive and file the attached monthly Treasurer’s Report; and 2.) Delegate investment responsibility to the City’s Finance Director / City Treasurer for a period of up to one year.

  • It is recommended that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 2025-5930 to accept and authorize for recordation the Irrevocable Offer of Trail Dedication from Lennar Homes on Tract No. 17341 (the Cielo Vista development) but reject acceptance of the actual trail easements at this time.

  • It is recommended that City Council approve Amendment No. 3 to the March 17, 2022, Agreement with YMCA of Orange County in the amount of $125,000 extending services through March 31, 2026.

  • It is recommended that the City Council of the City of Yorba Linda deny the claims for damages filed by Vicki Koda and Vintage at Stonehaven.

  • It is recommended that the City Council receive and file this report.

Councilwoman Huang said she noticed a typographical error on the minutes with respect to how Mayor Lim had voted at the special meeting. Mayor Lim and City Clerk Marcia Brown responded that the error was noticed prior to the meeting and the correction will be reflected in the approved meeting minutes.

  • Moved byHuang
    Seconded bySingh

    It is recommended that the City Council/Successor Agency to the Yorba Linda Redevelopment Agency approve the minutes of the January 27, 2025 City Council/Successor Agency to the Yorba Linda Redevelopment Agency joint special meeting.

    AYES (5)Rodriguez, Campbell, Huang, Singh, and Lim
    CARRIED (5 to 0)

Councilwoman Huang expressed concerns with the size of the deck and said she wished Council would have received copies of the plans in advance for review. 

City Attorney Litfin asked Community Director Nate Farnsworth for clarification and said the item went to the Planning Commission and was approved, he said the item is coming to Council because there is an encroachment over the City sidewalk. A lengthy conversation ensued among Council regarding the plans to build a permanent second-story deck/balcony. 

Jon Loomis, Preservation Architect for Thirtieth Street Architects, spoke about the project and the space requirements the owner will need for curing slow aged meat. He said the project will have some indoor seating as well as outdoors along the sidewalk. Due to space limitations inside, he said the project needed additional seating and the deck would allow for that. Mr. Loomis said in preservation, they also consider reversibility and said the deck is designed in a way that if someone wants to remove it in the future, it is easy to do so. Mr. Loomis had a copy of the project rendering and shared it with Council. 

Councilwoman Campbell also said she is having difficulty envisioning the deck, having only seen a copy of the plan during the meeting, and asked if it would be agreeable to table the item until later in the meeting, giving staff time to bring the renderings to the Council for review. 

Nick Saba, business owner, spoke via Zoom and expressed disappointment that the original rendering was not included in the agenda packet. He said he has been working on this idea for two years and there was a lot of excitement when it was presented to the Planning Commission. 

Council tabled this item to the end of the meeting and continued on with Public Hearing Item No. 13.

A lengthy conversation ensued among the Council and staff regarding the rendering for the project and the size of the proposed deck. They also discussed that the current renderings were those approved by the Planning Commission already, the walkability of the sidewalk and how the design compares to Terra Wood-Fired Kitchen. 

  • Moved byRodriguez
    Seconded bySingh

    It is recommended that the City Council: 1.) Authorize the construction of a permanent second-story deck/balcony encroaching sixteen feet (16’) onto public right-of-way at 4893 Main Street, over public sidewalk, contingent upon the approval and clearance by all utility easement holders, and 2.) Determine such encroachments will not adversely impact on the City’s property, City’s facility, or the general public safety, and 3.) Require the property owner(s) at 4893 Main Street to execute an Administrative Encroachment Agreement pursuant to City Council Policy E-5.

    AYES (4)Rodriguez, Campbell, Singh, and Lim
    NOES (1)Huang
    CARRIED (4 to 1)

a. Open Public Hearing - Mayor Lim opened the public hearing.

b. Staff Report  

Community Development Director Farnsworth said for this particular property, Community Preservation sent more than thirty notices and seven citations regarding the lack of maintenance on the vacant parcels located at 4082 Valley View Ave. He said the property has also changed ownership several times and the City has received several complaints from neighbors in the area concerned about fire mitigation. Director Farnsworth said the property is not a part of the City’s Annual Weed Abatement Program and is being treated as a property maintenance issue when complaints arise, but will be added as part of the City's Weed Abatement Program. He stated that at the February 4th Council meeting, a resident expressed frustration over how long it is taking to obtain compliance and said the City's Senior Community Preservation Officer has begun the process of analyzing the City’s Code Enforcement Manual to find ways to expedite the process, especially when it is related to safety matters and repeat violators.

c. Take Testimony 

Pat Nelson, resident, spoke about the history of this property and said it is a shame that it takes so long to obtain compliance when there is an absentee owner. She said this will likely occur annually and inquired if there is a way to determine if property taxes are being paid on the property in an effort to contact the owner. 

d. Close Public Hearing - Mayor Lim closed the public hearing.

e. Make Determination

Coucilwoman Campbell said she is glad that the site will be added to the City's Annual Weed Abatement Program. She spoke of the weed abatement program timeline and questioned if repeat violators could be notified sooner and compliance obtained by the 4th of July. Director Farnsworth said staff can look into properties that the City has struggled to obtain compliance from, he also stressed that simply because a property is included in the weed abatement program, it does not mean that staff will address violations once a year. If abatement is needed sooner due to overgrowth, staff will contact the property accordingly. A conversation ensued among Council and staff regarding the weed abatement program and changes to the municipal code to expedite abatement. 

  • Moved byHuang
    Seconded bySingh

    It is recommended that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 2025-5929 declaring that the lack of property maintenance, allowing dead, overgrown weeds and vegetation upon or in front of the indicated property, constitute a public nuisance and ordering abatement thereof.

    AYES (5)Rodriguez, Campbell, Huang, Singh, and Lim
    CARRIED (5 to 0)

City Manager Pulone addressed Mr. Cardwell's concerns about e-bikes. He said they have been a topic of conversation in the City for about a year and the City, through Yorba Linda Police Services, has done a lot of outreach in terms of education and enforcement. He said staff will look into whether it is necessary to update the code and will bring it back to Council if necessary. 

Mayor Lim said the City of Yorba Linda, along with the Yorba Linda Water District (District) and the Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA) hosted a representative from the California Insurance Commissioners Office to discuss the challenges homeowners face with insurance providers due to increased risks of fires in the region. She said the agencies spoke about mitigation efforts and demonstrated the heli-hydrant. She said that the City, District and OCFA released a joint letter earlier in the day that emphasized the proactive measures to mitigate wildfire risk through strategies and water infrastructure. She encouraged residents facing homeowners insurance difficulties to share the letter, available on the City website, with their insurance agency.

Mayor Pro Tem Carlos Rodriguez expressed his gratitude to the District for their continued commitment to safety, not only ensuring the City has enough water supply, but also the infrastructure in the event of a fire. 

Councilman Shivinder Singh said he attended the heli-hydrant demonstration earlier in the day and said he hopes the Insurance Commissioner's office was impressed. He spoke about e-bike safety and thanked the Yorba Linda Police Services for organizing the workshops that have been held thus far, but he said attendance is relatively low. He would like Yorba Linda Police Services to discuss e-bike safety and what the City is doing in terms of an ordinance at an upcoming Council meeting and asked for Council's support. Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez said he would appreciate a presentation but would not want a pre-determined expectation of an outcome, such as an ordinance. Councilman Singh also shared that he was invited by The Royal Club of the Islamic Center to speak to their senior community. 

Councilwoman Campbell thanked the District and OCFA for hosting the Insurance Commissioner's Office and the proactive measures to mitigate risks and help residents with insurance concerns.

Councilwoman Huang also spoke about the heli-hydrant demonstration and expressed her gratitude to the District. She congratulated Nixon Foundation President, Jim Byron for his appointment to serve as the Interim Senior Advisor to Acting Archivist, United States Secretary of State Marco Rubio, at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).

Mayor Lim announced that the Yorba Linda Public Library ranked in Top 5 Best Libraries For Kids Near Long Beach & Orange County in Kidsguide Magazine. The Library's Children’s Area was praised for its outstanding interactive design, featuring kid-friendly decor, a cozy reading nook, a state-of-the-art technology lab, and an outdoor patio. Mayor Lim invited the community to join Yorba Linda Police Services for their first Coffee with a Cop of the year on Wednesday, February 26th from 8:00 a.m to 10:00 a.m. at Peet's Coffee in the Yorba Linda Town Center. Mayor Lim also announced that the City is now accepting nominations for the Athletic Achievement Wall of Fame through Friday, February 28. Community members are encouraged to nominate an outstanding individual or team for this honor and can be submitted online at She said that in the last six months, the Placentia Navigation Center has nearly doubled the number of homeless individuals that are ready for housing opportunity. Mayor Lim shared that the National Civics Bee will be on Wednesday, March 12th at 5:30 p.m. at the Richard Nixon Library and said that the Orange County Older Adults Advisory Board learned about CalFresh, a valuable EBT grocery service. She said nearly 60% of senior citizens can qualify. She concluded her comments by encouraging residents to attend the Human Trafficking Awareness Seminar organized by Congresswoman Young Kim, where she and Orange County Sheriff Don Barnes will be special guests, on Saturday, March 22nd at the Yorba Linda Community Center at 8:00 a.m.

Council returned to Consent Calendar Item No. 8 at 8:18 p.m. following City Manager's Report/Mayor's Report/Matters Presented by Councilmembers/Other Agency Reports.

Mayor Lim spoke about this item, which was continued from the February 4th meeting, and said in terms of sustainability, she would be happy with a one-time sponsorship. She spoke further about mental health and the importance of programs that help the community and moved to support With Hope.

Councilwoman Campbell said her opinions have not changed since the last Council meeting and she has only wonderful things to say about the organization, but it is a question of policy. Councilman Singh spoke about possible in-kind sponsorship opportunities. Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez added that it is very challenging when there are so many wonderful charities but Council must consider tax dollars.

City Manager Pulone said the City has a policy related to events that occur in Yorba Linda and said the City has much more flexibility promoting events that are City sponsored. A conversation ensued among Council regarding mental health awareness, budget and policy concerns regarding the sponsorship request.

  • Moved byLim
    Seconded byHuang

    It is recommended that the City Council provide direction to staff.

    AYES (2)Huang, and Lim
    NOES (3)Rodriguez, Campbell, and Singh
    FAILED (2 to 3)

Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez recused himself from this item at 8:45 p.m. due to his involvement with South Coast AQMD.

Community Development Director Farnsworth said the AQMD Governing Board is proposing to amend two rules, residential gas-fired furnaces (Rule 1111) and water heaters (Rule 1121), aiming to reduce emissions. The original rules would eliminate gas burning HVAC units and water heaters for consumer purchase. At a workshop held on February 13th, they discussed placing the responsibility on the manufacturer, requiring them on a sliding scale to manufacture a certain percentage of gas burning and zero emission appliances. By 2036, 90% of the units produced in the AQMD region would have to be zero emission units with only 10% being gas burning. He said AQMD also discussed requiring manufacturers to report the percentage of sales within each category, annually and placing fees on the manufacturers based on the percentages. He spoke further about the proposed amendments and effects on the city's enforcement and Building Code. 

Pat Nelson, resident, said manufacturers have to comply but the cost falls upon the consumer and expressed her frustration with capitalism. 

Richard de Bruijn, resident, agreed with the comments made by Ms. Nelson. He said he read an article in the Wall Street Journal that questioned the validity of the Rules. 

Councilwoman Huang expressed her opposition with the Rules and asked her colleagues to consider a letter that is much more strongly worded than what was included in the agenda. She said manufacturers are not going to cover the costs on their own, and this is a mandate. She requested Council's support of such a letter.

Councilwoman Campbell expressed her support of a revised letter and said she is hearing from residents that are concerned with power shut-offs, grid sustainability, and impacts on those with fixed incomes. She also requested that the City prepare a social media post and include in the City Newsletter, to inform the community and encourage them to voice their concerns. 

Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez rejoined the meeting at 9:08 p.m. following the vote.

  • Moved byHuang
    Seconded byCampbell

    It is recommended that the City Council submit a strongly worded letter of opposition and to post information on the City's social media channels.

    AYES (4)Campbell, Huang, Singh, and Lim
    ABSTAINED (1)Rodriguez
    CARRIED (4 to 0)

Councilman Singh spoke about the numerous outreach and measures the City has taken along with Yorba Linda Water District, Orange County Fire Authority and Orange County Sheriff's Department to ensure the safety of the community, including the heli-hydrants and asked for updates on other measures the City has taken. 

Chris Pena, Emergency Management Coordinator and Orange County Fire Authority Division Chief Kevin Fetterman spoke extensively about measures the agencies have taken and the tools and information available to residents including the OCFA - Ready, Set, Go Program. 

Richard de Bruijn, resident, spoke about the Corona Fire in 2008 and stressed the importance of communicating on the same radio frequency in emergencies.

Peter Meng, resident, requested immediate action against wildfire dangers and spoke about the devastation that fires cause. He spoke about the rising premiums and homeowners insurance cancellations.

A lengthy conversation ensued among Council regarding educating the community, fire-hardening homes, and fire severity maps, communications and the use of Starlink. Council thanked staff for the updates and Councilman Singh encouraged residents to sign up for the next CERT training. Yorba Linda Water District Director DesRoches said the District is continuously looking for ways to make improvements to combat fires and work collaboratively with other agencies. 

Mayor Lim adjourned the meeting in memory of Marisela "Marcie" Herrera, who was an employee of the City for over 27 years, at 9:53 p.m. to the next regularly scheduled City Council/Successor Agency to the Yorba Linda Redevelopment Agency joint meeting on March 4, 2025.

No Item Selected