Council Chambers
4845 Casa Loma Avenue
Councilmembers Present:
  • Campbell, 
  • Haney, 
  • Hernandez, 
  • Huang, 
  • and Rodriguez
Staff Present:
  • Brantley, 
  • Brown, 
  • Christian, 
  • Honeywell, 
  • Kudron, 
  • Lai, 
  • Larsen, 
  • Lixey, 
  • Pulone, 
  • and Walehwa

The City Council/Successor Agency to the Yorba Linda Redevelopment Agency convened at 5:31 p.m. in the Council Chambers at 4845 Casa Loma Avenue.


Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2) (2 Cases)

Deputy City Attorney Joseph Larsen stated that Councilwoman Peggy Huang recused herself for one item on Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation, Significant Exposure to Litigation due to Judicial Canon 5 and her candidacy for Superior Court Judge.

The City Council convened into Closed Session at 5:32 p.m.

The City Council/Successor Agency to the Yorba Linda Redevelopment Agency, Yorba Linda Housing Authority and Yorba Linda Municipal Financing Authority reconvened at 6:31 p.m. in the Council Chambers at 4845 Casa Loma Avenue, Yorba Linda.

Councilwoman Huang

Pastor Brian Long, Yorba Linda United Methodist Church

Deputy City Attorney Larsen stated there was no reportable action. Councilwoman Huang recused herself for one item on Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation, Significant Exposure to Litigation due to Judicial Canon 5 and her candidacy for Superior Court Judge.

Mayor Carlos Rodriguez stated that due to a scheduling conflict, this recognition will be presented at a future date.

Mayor Rodriguez invited Placentia Yorba Linda Girls Softball Association (PYLGSA) President Carlos Ayon and fellow Board members present to the podium and recognized them for their hard work and dedication to the youth in our community. He commended their volunteer efforts.

Mr. Ayon thanked Council for the recognition and spoke briefly about PYLGSA.

Next, Mayor Rodriguez invited Deputy Executive Director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations Masih Fouladi to the podium and presented him with a proclamation declaring August of 2022 as "American Muslim Appreciation and Awareness Month" throughout Yorba Linda.

Mr. Fouladi and leadership from the Yorba Linda Islamic Center thanked Council for the proclamation.

Richard de Bruijn, resident, spoke about water conservation and the need for new water sources. 

The following individuals with Orange County Employees Association and Orange County Professional Firefighters spoke about the Orange County Professional Firefighters and the importance of their emergency response and need for a fair contract:  Jessical Salazar, Josh Miller, Todd Baldridge, Chris Hamm, Sam Semingson, Steve Kriha and Sami Soto.

Peter Meng, resident, spoke about brush clearance and fire hazard potential.

Mayor Rodriguez stated that Mayor Pro Tem Gene Hernandez will abstain from Consent Calendar Item No. 2, out of an abundance of caution due to his involvement with Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) and the numerous contractors that may do work in the City.

  • Moved byCampbell
    Seconded byHaney

    It is recommended that the City Council approve the Consent Calendar.

    AYES (5)Rodriguez, Hernandez, Haney, Campbell, and Huang
    CARRIED (5 to 0)
  • It is recommended that the City Council/Successor Agency to the Yorba Linda Redevelopment Agency waive reading in full of all ordinances and resolutions on the agenda and declare that said titles which appear on the public agenda shall be determined to have been read by title and further reading waived.

  • It is recommended that the City Council receive and file the accounts payable check register dated August 16, 2022, in the amount of $2,791,214.56.

  • It is recommended that the City Council/Successor Agency to the Yorba Linda Redevelopment Agency approve the minutes of the August 1, 2022 City Council/Successor Agency to the Yorba Linda Redevelopment Agency joint special meeting.

  • It is recommended that the City Council: 1.) Allow certain parkway culvert and grease interceptor to be constructed and used within the City public right-of-way at the subject address; and 2.) Authorize the City Manager to execute the proposed Administrative Encroachment Permit Agreement containing covenants affecting real property with the owner of the property located at 4858 Main Street, Yorba Linda, CA.

  • It is recommended that the City Council authorize award of contract to David Volz Design for design services, construction documents, and construction period services for the Proposition 68 project at Vista Del Verde Park for $79,733.

  • It is recommended that the City Council receive and file this report.

a. Open Public Hearing - Mayor Rodriguez opened the public hearing.

b. Staff Report  

City Manager Mark Pulone said staff began working with over 1,000 properties that needed weed abatement and shared that the City has successfully obtained compliance on many of those properties. 

Community Development Director David Brantley said the weed abatement program is a multi-step process that involves sending notices in early spring to owners of properties on the abatement list prior to fire season.

Mary Lewis, Senior Community Preservation Officer provided a staff report on the item. She said compliance letters were mailed to the weed abatement list property owners on March 16, 2022, and were asked to complete abatement on their properties by May 25th. Compliance inspections were then conducted from May 26th through July 19th. Five properties remain as non-compliant out of the 1,200 they began with. She shared a PowerPoint with photos of the conditions at each property and concluded with staff's recommendation.

c. Take Testimony 

Richard de Bruijn, resident, expressed his support for the program and spoke about a 50-foot pine tree in his neighborhood.

d. Close Public Hearing - Mayor Rodriguez closed the public hearing.

e. Make Determination

  • Moved byCampbell
    Seconded byHuang

    It is recommended that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 2022-5818 declaring that weeds growing upon or in front of, and rubbish, refuse, and dirt upon or in front of certain property in the City constitute a public nuisance, and ordering abatement thereof.

    AYES (5)Rodriguez, Hernandez, Haney, Campbell, and Huang
    CARRIED (5 to 0)

City Manager Pulone spoke about the upcoming Annual Pavement Preservation work commencing later this month located east of Village Center Drive, north of Esperanza Road and southwest of Yorba Linda Boulevard. He said the overall project should be completed in early January. Crews will be distributing door hangers to inform residents and additional information can be found on the City website. City Manager Pulone said this is an important project, but it does create a slight inconvenience and thanked residents for their patience.

Councilwoman Huang shared that LAFCO completed their Municipal Service Review of various County, City and Special District services which is done every five years. She said in doing so, LAFCO looked at the County portion that is in Yorba Linda and LAFCO will be communicating with the City to discuss possible annexation. She said the Orange County Sanitation District annexed about 100 parcels by Esperanza Road and Yorba Linda Boulevard, and Yorba Ranch Road and Yorba Linda Boulevard. For any of these homes on septic tanks, the annexation will now allow for those residents to connect to the sewer system and the fees for connection will be waived as a result of the annexation. Councilwoman Huang shared that Ventura County Supervisor Carmen Ramirez passed away last Friday after she was hit by a vehicle while crossing the street. She spoke highly of her impact throughout the County and in the City and expressed her condolences. She concluded by stating that Council had taken an oppose position on AB 2011 by Assemblywoman Buffy Wicks which would allow by-right development on commercial properties and said that unfortunately, the bill is still moving forward. She spoke about the proposed sunset requirement of the bill and its effects on housing.

Councilwoman Tara Campbell announced that Coffee with a Cop will be held this Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Yorba Linda Public Library and said the event will also include a classic car show.

Councilwoman Beth Haney spoke of Orange County PACE, a comprehensive healthcare and wellness program designed to help seniors live independently at home as an alternative to nursing care. She said interested residents can learn more at

Mayor Pro Tem Hernandez echoed the comments of Councilwoman Huang and expressed his condolences over the tragic loss of Carmen Ramirez. He spoke about the firefighters union and said the OCFA is currently in negotiations.

Mayor Rodriguez thanked Assemblyman Phillip Chen for securing $700,000 in State funds for the Bryant Ranch Park Improvement Project. The focus of the improvement project will be to provide a new basketball court with two pickleball overlay courts, court lighting and new gathering areas. He also announced that the Public Safety Collaborative, a task force made up of local Cities to help distribute resources, was awarded $8 million in the State’s Budget. Of the funding, $390,000 will pass through or be directly allocated to Yorba Linda to help fund a deputy to teach Drug Abuse is Life Abuse curriculum in Yorba Linda’s schools. The money will also help fund the Navigation Centers in Placentia and Buena Park that the City supports. He concluded his comments by announcing upcoming Parks and Recreation events, including a stand-up comedy show at the Cultural Arts Center on Saturday at 7:00 p.m. and a Movie in the Park in the evening featuring Turning Red at Hurless Barton Park. The last Concert in the Park will take place Sunday with performances from Stone Soul.

Mayor Rodriguez adjourned the meeting in honor of Supervisor Carmen Ramirez at 8:16 p.m. to the next regularly scheduled City Council/Successor Agency to the Yorba Linda Redevelopment Agency joint meeting on September 20, 2022.