CITY COUNCIL/SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE YORBA LINDA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, YORBA LINDA HOUSING AUTHORITY AND YORBA LINDA MUNICIPAL FINANCING AUTHORITY JOINT MEETING AGENDATuesday, November 05, 2024 at 6:30 P.m. - 7:30 P.m.Council Chambers4845 Casa Loma AvenueThis meeting is being broadcast live for airing on cable channel 3, channel 99 AT&T U-Verse and the city's website. By remaining in the room, you are giving your permission to be televised. CALL TO ORDER The City Council/Successor Agency to the Yorba Linda Redevelopment Agency will convene at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at 4845 Casa Loma Avenue.ROLL CALL ANNOUNCEMENT OF CLOSED SESSION ITEMS CITY COUNCIL/SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE YORBA LINDA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCYA. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED LITIGATION, SIGNIFICANT EXPOSURE TO LITIGATION Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2) (2 Cases)B. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION – TITLE: CITY ATTORNEY Government Code Section 54957PUBLIC COMMENT ON CLOSED SESSION ITEMS CONVENE INTO CLOSED SESSION RECESS CALL TO ORDER The City Council/Successor Agency to the Yorba Linda Redevelopment Agency, Yorba Linda Housing Authority and Yorba Linda Municipal Financing Authority will reconvene at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at 4845 Casa Loma Avenue, Yorba Linda.ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE INVOCATION DEACON DENIS ZAUN, ST. MARTIN DE PORRES CATHOLIC CHURCH CLOSED SESSION REPORT INTRODUCTIONS & PRESENTATIONS RECOGNITION OF YORBA LINDA VETERANS RECOGNITION OF ORANGE COUNTY FIRE AUTHORITY DIVISION CHIEF SCOTT WIEDENSOHLER PUBLIC COMMENTS – ITEMS ON THE CONSENT CALENDAR OR ITEMS NOT ON THE REMAINDER OF THE AGENDA There is a five (5) minute maximum time limit for each individual addressing the legislative body during Public Comments and on all other items listed on the Agenda. Whenever a group of persons wishes to address the City Council on the same subject matter, it shall be proper for the presiding officer to request that a spokesman be chosen by the group so as to avoid unnecessary repetitions before the City Council.CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under "CONSENT CALENDAR" are considered by the City Council/ Successor Agency to the Yorba Linda Redevelopment Agency, Yorba Linda Housing Authority and Yorba Linda Municipal Financing Authority to be routine and will be enacted by one motion approving the recommendation listed on the Agenda. There will be no separate discussion unless Members of the Council/Successor Agency, Yorba Linda Housing Authority and Yorba Linda Municipal Financing Authority or Staff request specific items to be removed from the Consent Calendar.Recommendation:It is recommended that the City Council approve the Consent Calendar.1. WAIVE READING IN FULL OF ALL ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS ON THE AGENDA Recommendation:It is recommended that the City Council/Successor Agency to the Yorba Linda Redevelopment Agency waive reading in full of all ordinances and resolutions on the agenda and declare that said titles which appear on the public agenda shall be determined to have been read by title and further reading waived.2. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER – NOVEMBER 5, 2024 1.AP Check Register 11-5-24 - CC-FIN-24-039.pdf2.Attachment 1 - AP Check Register 11-5-24.pdfRecommendation:It is recommended that the City Council receive and file the accounts payable check register and wire transfer report dated November 5, 2024, in the amount of $7,536,699.68. 3. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 15, 2024 CITY COUNCIL / SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE YORBA LINDA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - CC_Oct15_2024 - English.pdfRecommendation:It is recommended that the City Council/Successor Agency to the Yorba Linda Redevelopment Agency approve the minutes of the October 15, 2024 City Council/Successor Agency to the Yorba Linda Redevelopment Agency joint meeting.4. AGREEMENT AMENDMENT WITH HF&H CONSULTANTS FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RELATED TO SOLID WASTE HAULER COMPLIANCE REVIEW 1.HFH Amendment No. 2 (2024) - CC-ADM-24-068.pdf2.Attachment 1 - HFH SB1383 Services Amendment No. 2.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Exhibit A4 Triennial Compliance Review Project.pdfRecommendation:It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager to sign Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement for Professional Services with HF&H Consultants, increasing the total contract sum to $205,112.5. DENIAL OF CLAIM FOR DAMAGES - THE FIGUEROA FIRM REPRESENTING LISA WERNER 1.Denial of Claim for Damages - The Figueroa Firm - CC-ADM-24-067.pdfRecommendation:It is recommended that the City Council of the City of Yorba Linda deny the claim for damages filed by The Figueroa Firm representing Lisa Werner. 6. APPROVE A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE ORANGE COUNTY CONSERVATION CORPS FOR VEGETATION MANAGEMENT AND ASSOCIATED GRANT SERVICES 1.Orange County Conservation Corps (OCCC) MOU - CC-PW-24-046.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Memorandum of Understanding (OCCC).pdfRecommendation:It is recommended that the City Council approve a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Orange County Conservation Corps (OCCC) for Vegetation Management and Associated Grant Services. 7. REPORTS OF PLANNING COMMISSION ACTIONS FROM THEIR LAST MEETING 1.Planning Comm. Recap 10-23-24.pdfRecommendation:It is recommended that the City Council receive and file this report.8. COUNCIL COMMITTEE AND AGENCY REPORTS 1.Committee and Agency Reports - CC-ADM-24-066.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Reports from CC Organizations.pdfRecommendation:It is recommended that the City Council receive and file this report. CITY MANAGER’S REPORT/MAYOR’S REPORT/MATTERS PRESENTED BY COUNCILMEMBERS/ OTHER AGENCY REPORTS CLOSED SESSION IF REQUIRED ADJOURNMENT The next regularly scheduled City Council/Successor Agency to the Yorba Linda Redevelopment Agency joint meeting is November 19, 2024. NOTE: ALL STAFF REPORTS AND RELATED ATTACHMENTS FOR ITEMS ON THIS AGENDA ARE ON FILE IN THE CITY CLERK’S OFFICE. AS AN ADDITIONAL SERVICE, THE CITY NOW PROVIDES THE STAFF REPORTS AND RELATED ATTACHMENTS ON THE CITY’S WEBSITE. PLEASE NOTE THAT IT IS NOT ALWAYS POSSIBLE TO EMBED ALL ATTACHMENTS AND MAPS. THUS, IF YOU REQUIRE A FULL AND COMPLETE COPY OF THE AGENDA PACKET, YOU SHOULD NOT RELY UPON THE WEBSITE MATERIALS ALONE. IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICAN DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), THE CITY WILL MAKE EVERY REASONABLE ATTEMPT TO ACCOMMODATE ANY ATTENDEE OR PARTICIPANT AT THIS MEETING NEEDING SPECIAL ASSISTANCE BEYOND WHAT IS NORMALLY PROVIDED. PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY CLERK’S OFFICE AT (714) 961-7150 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THIS MEETING TO INFORM US OF YOUR PARTICULAR NEEDS AND TO DETERMINE IF ACCOMMODATION IS FEASIBLE. PLEASE ADVISE US AT THE TIME YOU CALL IF SPECIAL ASSISTANCE IS REQUIRED TO ATTEND OR PARTICIPATE IN MEETINGS ON A REGULAR BASIS.No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.Committee and Agency Reports - CC-ADM-24-066.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Reports from CC Organizations.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - CC_Oct15_2024 - English.pdf1.Denial of Claim for Damages - The Figueroa Firm - CC-ADM-24-067.pdf1.Planning Comm. Recap 10-23-24.pdf1.Orange County Conservation Corps (OCCC) MOU - CC-PW-24-046.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Memorandum of Understanding (OCCC).pdf1.AP Check Register 11-5-24 - CC-FIN-24-039.pdf2.Attachment 1 - AP Check Register 11-5-24.pdf1.HFH Amendment No. 2 (2024) - CC-ADM-24-068.pdf2.Attachment 1 - HFH SB1383 Services Amendment No. 2.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Exhibit A4 Triennial Compliance Review Project.pdf